Electricity & Gas suppliers in Sweden
The most common question many people have is which energy supplier would be their best option. It is easy to avoid looking over the annual of any deal you may want to sign up for. When you compare the energy supplier, it is essential to remember that the best supplier or deal for you is only sometimes the most affordable one. Due to the plethora of energy companies in Sweden, many people tend to need clarification and choose the wrong company, which is expensive and does not provide quality services. Let us tell you how you can choose the right energy supplier.
List of energy companies in Sweden
We have listed the most energy companies in Sweden below while using the following criteria:

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Fortum offers a great app. The app helps you become electricity smart and lower your electricity bill. The electricity you buy from Fortum is fossil-free and comes from sun, wind, water or nuclear power. |
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Skekraft offers fixed and variable contracts. A fixed electricity price gives you the same price per kilowatt-hour, regardless of what happens in the market. And the great thing is that you always get 100% renewable electricity. |
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Offers different variable contracts. Variable renewable energy with hourly rate or monthly rate. Telinet always offers 100% renewable energy. |
How to choose an energy provider?
The following steps will help you make an ideal choice
- Review The Current Energy Deal: you should inspect your current utilities in Sweden, a single supplier will prove to be more convenient, and they are a bit cheaper as well. Even if you want to pay for the electricity and gas separately, it will still be worth comparing the suppliers and choosing the right and most appropriate deal.
- Understand Your Energy Consumption: your tariff choice will be affected by the amount of energy you use. Hence, it is necessary to compare the different tariffs. Get access to your account and look at your last bills to find your average use. With this, you can make the right choice and choose the right tariff.
- Compare Tariffs: you should look at the comparison sites on the internet to compare different suppliers and understand the electric and gas deals they offer. With this, you can compare the energy expenditures from your current supplier to the supplier you want to switch to.
How can I switch energy suppliers if I am shifting home?
Before you move, you should explore the market and compare the current deals. If you find a better tariff, you should inform your supplier that you are leaving them and moving on to a new electricity & gas supplier in Sweden. Whoever supplies the new property should know about your move-in date.
But you do not necessarily have to change the supplier only because you are moving in case your current supplier is providing the best deals. In that case, you need to provide your current supplier with 48 hours notice of your move and inform them about your new address and the date you will be moving in.
Before you move, you will have to take the meter readings and provide them to your current supplier to ensure that you are paying for the energy you are using. Once you arrive at your new house, the property provider must calculate the bills accurately.
Can I switch energy suppliers if I rent?
Even if you are not the property owner, you can still compare the quotes and find the best deals. If you rent a property and want to pay a supplier for the energy, you can easily switch. The only case you won’t be able to switch is when you live in a rented house, but the property owner or landlord pays the supplier.
Can I choose a renewable energy supplier?
Switching to green energy companies in Sweden should be simple as switching to a mainstream provider. You would be doing something for the environment and reducing carbon emissions. It will also be good news since you may even save money versus the current tariff you are in. it is necessary to compare the quotes and decide how much green energy suppliers have for you.
If you are paying more than you consume, it is best to make the necessary calculations and check the meter reading to see whether you should switch to new energy companies in Sweden. Follow the tips from this article and make the right choice when switching energy suppliers.